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[deleted] t1_j2opky9 wrote



Jazzlike-Drop23 t1_j2poshu wrote

Did you read the article? I thought not.

It also states that prior infection reduces transmission by a very similar amount.


H1tm4n t1_j2pt91f wrote

So benefit for the vaccinated is what now?


Jazzlike-Drop23 t1_j2pudf6 wrote

For healthy people, not a lot I believe.

For older and vulnerable people, a reduced chance of severe illness or death.


Bearpoints t1_j2qaozd wrote

Vaccination has always been about slowing the spread over the general population. The more people vaccinated, the slower the spread, and the less strain on the health system. This allows the health system to be better equipped to treat those who are the moat vulnerable. This is exactly why the season flu vaccination is encouraged.


thezander8 t1_j2qchu5 wrote

uhhh that you get the about the same benefit as prior infection (according to this study) without having to live through the worst flu of your life while unvaccinated against it? (IF you live.)

Getting protection against COVID without actually getting COVID is a pretty clear benefit.


SlowerThanLightSpeed t1_j2q0oss wrote

Though you may find that this analogy isn't an equivalence (that's how words that aren't synonyms work)... Think of it this way:

The goal is to avoid getting pregnant.

One way to do that is to get pregnant (during which time you can no longer conceive). Ha ha! While pregnant you can't get pregnant!

The other way is to take the pill.


redruggles5 t1_j2rc6pe wrote

You could get Guillan-Barré Syndrome and be paralyzed for life if you’re lucky! Bring on the sheep votes.


Thekilldevilhill t1_j2rd1t3 wrote

You can also get it from the virus itself, or influenza, campylobacter or pretty much anything that triggers your immune system. Also, pretty much everyone recovers and fatal cases or complete paralysis is rare.

But don't let these facts get in the way of your agenda.


LA_Lions t1_j2pojad wrote

The sheer amount of misinformation that is widely spread is what causes them to feel like they have to keep proving the obvious to everyone. Showing evidence backed information is the only (non-violent) way to combat misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies about vaccines and boosters.


Jazzlike-Drop23 t1_j2ppg5c wrote

Doesn't work though. The conspiracy lot think the science is just made up.


LA_Lions t1_j2pq0zl wrote

I agree. The researchers and scientists don’t seem to have an answer for what we are to do if a third of the population are beyond help.


calcifornication t1_j2qa2vu wrote

Yes I agree that it is very strange that the science sub posts currently relevant research papers published in major journals.