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thebraddestbrad t1_j1obw7e wrote

Not all removals are the same. Mine was so intense I had to be put to sleep and I looked like a squirrel hoarding nuts in my cheeks for a week


Mejai91 t1_j1qsycg wrote

Me too, still didn’t take the opioids they gave me because ibuprofen and Tylenol are of a similar efficacy when it comes to pain control, they just don’t get you high


thebraddestbrad t1_j1r2cn5 wrote

Not true. Opioids are better at pain control than NSAIDs. There are other options besides otc NSAIDs and opioids, too, like ketolorac.

This also isn't about who can handle more pain without resorting to narcotics. If you didn't need anything but otc NSAIDs, don't assume it's because you're more tolerant of pain. You just weren't in as much pain.


noiamholmstar t1_j1q3uh8 wrote

And I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth that required surgical removal, and I never took anything but ibuprofen. They prescribed opioids, but I never felt the need to take them. Everyone is different.