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stupid_systemus t1_j0pg0au wrote

I had the same reaction as you for Moderna as well (all 4 shots).

The intense reactions from the initial shots means that our bodies were severely lacking in defending itself from the virus. That means the vaccine is working as intended.

Now we have less intense reactions with subsequent shots because our body is entering what they call a "goldilocks" zone. We're revved up for defending itself from the virus and it just needed a few updated tweaks.


SerialStateLineXer t1_j0q0ywg wrote

>The intense reactions from the initial shots means that our bodies were severely lacking in defending itself from the virus

That doesn't sound right. The mRNA vaccines contain no actual virus, so more severe side effects are caused by a stronger, not weaker, immune response. A more typical pattern is mild reaction to the first shot (when the spike protein is totally unrecognized), followed by a much more severe reaction to the second shot. Reaction to Pfizer shots was generally milder due to the lower dose.


Spitinthacoola t1_j0r6mdr wrote

It doesn't mean that. The whole thing is way more chaotic and complex. Reactions don't indicate better or worse immune response.