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atremblein t1_j0l7fxm wrote

Here is tl;dr:

“The optimal dose of exercise is not yet known, but it is likely to be 20-plus minutes each day and must include resistance training to grow the muscles, increase the size and capacity of the internal pharmacy, and stimulate the myokine production,” he said.

“This study provides strong evidence for the recommendation patients with prostate cancer, and likely anybody with any cancer type, should perform exercise most days, if not every day, to maintain a chemical environment within their body which is suppressive of cancer cell proliferation.”

From the article.


shadyelf t1_j0nvhfc wrote

Guess I'll just do 20 minutes of squats every day. It's like sitting so it's my favorite exercise.


PretendsHesPissed t1_j0nyhby wrote

So it's the same thing as always:

Exercise is crucial in today's world. It's so easy and so tempting to constantly be sitting and consuming via our screens and since the vast majority of us are no longer doing any sort of manual labor, a dedicated exercise routine is crucial.

Exercise is known to have benefits in multiple arenas. Even if you don't have a concern for cancer, the benefits to mood and sleep alone should be a great motivator.


tapirs4daze t1_j0p31ky wrote

Everyone should have a concern for cancer…it can come out of no where and do so very fast.


TheDominantBullfrog t1_j0m8f0o wrote

Insane how exercise continues to be the one reliable marker of improving your all cause mortality by so many mechanisms.


designbat t1_j0mz23a wrote

My husband, who worked in nursing homes for a while, says, "Never stop moving. When you stop, you die."

Physical therapy sucks, but it's very much a if you don't use it, you lose it, situation.


TheDominantBullfrog t1_j0mzckr wrote

Absolutely. Working in EMS at 21 years old and seeing the difference between a good, active 50 and a sedentary, neglected 50 is a lesson I'll never forget. Motion is the lotion!


5tr4nGe t1_j0n164v wrote

Yeah I’m 30. And hopefully I’ll be going strong for a long time.

I work manual labour (relatively lightweight manual labour, but still manual labour) and I spend my weekends hiking and climbing.

I eat well, and I drink in moderation. I’m hoping that baring major injury I’ll be able to keep doing the things I love for a long time.


Number127 t1_j0nqbsg wrote

Watch out for your knees, my friend!


5tr4nGe t1_j0nqgc4 wrote

Thankfully they're holding up strong so far.


Number127 t1_j0nqj91 wrote

Of course they are, you're 30. :)


5tr4nGe t1_j0nqq6e wrote

True, I still have a good few years in them yet.

Hopefully they keep going though, I know plenty of people in their 50s who live like I do and they're only getting stronger with time.


TheDominantBullfrog t1_j0p601c wrote

Man I hate this kind of thing. What's he supposed to do, be less active because one day his knees may suddenly go bad? Your knees will eventually go bad regardless. Moderate daily activity is the best way to prevent it.


TheDominantBullfrog t1_j0p621d wrote

I'm 30 myself and have to be able to move for work and grapple as my primary hobby, so it's a good excuse to keep the diet, fitness, and recovery all lined up for as long as I can!


sterfri99 t1_j0ohdf6 wrote

Hey bud, word of advice from someone that started in EMS early too… go for medic ASAP if you think you like the field. Lifting less feels amazing on my back and knees, and I get paid more


TheDominantBullfrog t1_j0p0b85 wrote

I've been a medic for 8 years and working on RN. Not sure how it got you out of doing any lifting, though.


Bogmanbob t1_j0nvoxr wrote

Favorite story - “an older member of my running group was asked why he still runs. He said his friends who don’t can barely walk “. Any anti cancer benefits are just icing on the cake.


IlllIIllllIlIlllllll t1_j0o5ur8 wrote

Seems like classic confusion of causality. “All my friends who stopped standing up are now in wheelchairs! Go figure.”


TheDominantBullfrog t1_j0p0cs1 wrote

Not really. For the vast majority of people, not exercising is a choice they make.


KuriousKhemicals t1_j0oe4up wrote

I dunno, there's significant ground between regular running and struggling to walk. You'd think if the running wasn't helping (or an index of something else that helps, like general health motivation) then he'd know plenty of people who don't run but haven't lost much ability.


TheDominantBullfrog t1_j0p64ku wrote

It's just crabs on a barrel. According to people on this site you'd think 75% of people have a genetic metabolic condition while working 80 hours a week that prevents weight loss or exercise.


mxjuno t1_j0pbvu6 wrote

There’s a lot of data that supports it. I’m also a nurse with a master’s degree (so, extra research training!) and have seen it in the numbers and it’s glaringly obvious in real life. Anecdotally the people who are sedentary may not be dying but they are miserable af.


giuliomagnifico OP t1_j0kxktz wrote

Not an analyze on a very big number of patients (nine):

> Nine patients with late-stage prostate cancer performed 34 minutes of high intensity exercise on a stationary cycle, with blood serum collected immediately before and after, and then again 30 minutes post-workout.

>The team found the serum obtained immediately after this “dose” of exercise contained elevated levels of anti-cancer myokines resulting in suppressed growth of prostate cancer cells in vitro by around 17 per cent.

>Serum myokine levels and cancer suppression returned to baseline after 30 minutes


draeath t1_j0le75t wrote

> performed 34 minutes of high intensity exercise > > ... > > Serum myokine levels and cancer suppression returned to baseline after 30 minutes

That doesn't seem very useful, as a layman.

EDIT: we're not talking about the benefits of exercise in general. That's well established and I am in no way questioning that. We're talking about myokines and cancer suppression.


jewishapplebees t1_j0lnm2r wrote

It might have preventative effects on getting cancer in the first place.


TheDominantBullfrog t1_j0m8c0r wrote

So I'm totally talking out of my ass here but there's a variety of things that its important to have happen regularly in your body but not constantly. So even these short doses may have a high net benefit


How2GetGud t1_j0m5nvs wrote

Being active for half your life protects you from cancer for the rest of it, by that logic. Fitting that to a normal schedule, it makes sense. And points to sedentary life as a cancer permissive style.


PoopIsAlwaysSunny t1_j0n2jci wrote

How elevated were levels?

Exercising once probably doesn’t help a ton, but if you exercise twice a day or more for decades, it seems like it could be a massive benefit.

And the elevated levels might be prolonged in those who exercise regularly, just like a lot of things are improved only slightly by one bout of exercise but vastly improved by years of regular exercise


ResoluteClover t1_j0n5gua wrote

But think of all the exercise pills I can sell. That's useful to my wallet.


memetunis t1_j0nkcs5 wrote

I am totally not dismissing the value of exercise but when my father had a high PSA he was advised to stop riding his bicycle for three weeks because it could give false high readings.


TheBraindonkey t1_j0np1we wrote

That is specifically due to the pressure on the prostate from the bicycle seat though I think. No one will tell you to stop riding a bike for any other cancer generally that I am aware of. Plus assuming keeping all treatment, avenues open, surgical processes and seed, therapy or brachy therapy would be going through some sensitive bits, i.e. the taint. So you don’t want it to be sore already before that I would think.


mxjuno t1_j0pc6sr wrote

Yeah this is specific to biking! Not activity in general.


DemanoRock t1_j0l1uyx wrote

So if exercise can kill cancer cells, it is probably really bad for healthy cells. I don't want to risk it.


gimmeyourbones t1_j0mj82j wrote

I'm a rehab doc. Exercise has SO MANY research-supported benefits to the body and mind, that if I were to say the same thing about any other treatment modality, people would be convinced I'm selling snake oil. It is genuinely astounding how good it is for us. If only everyone 1) wanted to do it, and 2) had a lifestyle that allowed them to exercise regularly in a safe and enjoyable environment.


is0ph t1_j0myc0l wrote

A recent study found that motivation for exercise might be regulated through the gut microbiome (

A bad diet might make people less motivated to exercise, and both those things are bad for mental and body health.


EmperorKira t1_j0nv3i6 wrote

I feel that's 100% true. Whenever I eat junk food, I'm like, I will go to the gym to burn it off, but then my body feels like it doesn't wa t to exercise later. Similarly, when I exercise, my body wants more healthy food.


zyl0x t1_j0nwq4k wrote

Microbiome doesn't change that rapidly from one meal to the next.


KuriousKhemicals t1_j0oeryw wrote

Exercise (especially cardio) is so effective for mood and appetite regulation for me that I'm experimenting with running 6-7 days a week just to get "booted up" correctly at the beginning of the day. I've always had scheduled rest days before, but they were always just less nice, and 3 km at easy pace really isn't a lot of stress on the body.


ohgoodthnks t1_j0mdekp wrote

Interesting, I’m currently dealing with a metastatic recurrence and I’m a very active individual, was training 6x a week in martials arts at the time of my recurrence in April- but had stopped weight lifting the last year to accommodate the extra classes.

I have a very rare and unusual cancer so I’m always following research to integrate and adapt my daily habits to extend my time between recurrences. Im on immunotherapy right now but having some disease progression, im going to add weight lifting back to my routine and see if there’s any changes between my scans

Learning about reishi and turkey tail from this sub years ago was a game changer for my chemo side effects


son_et_lumiere t1_j0mk47i wrote

Can you elaborate more about your personal experience with the mushrooms? I have heard of their benefits, but am curious about your specific experience.


mxjuno t1_j0pd9sx wrote

I’m sorry to hear about this but so glad to hear you’re staying active! Weight training has endless benefits across the board and really supports other sports too.


unidentify99 t1_j0lm1qq wrote

eh ill start exercising tumourrow


BGgungame t1_j0m9q4k wrote

Hmm, I have the sudden urge to do pushups.


JohnFByers t1_j0lw4fa wrote

Conversely, doesn’t exercise activate mTOR-mediated signalling?


Toytles t1_j0n102t wrote

I exercise all the time and habitually do many unhealthy things and I don’t have cancer yet! (That I know of!!)


halfmeasures611 t1_j0p16jq wrote

can they just put some myokines in a pill


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Fluid-Arm9366 t1_j0nn111 wrote

So what you're saying is I am doomed to die of cancer?


Ziedra t1_j0ohsqb wrote

so why don't cancer patients exercise if this is true?


kopela t1_j0mfj79 wrote

When can we get this in pill form? Exercise just isn’t an option.
