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440then420 t1_j2dczi9 wrote

Dating violence and non- contraception use sounds like the two main bullet points of date rape.


Grey___Goo_MH t1_j2dkk1h wrote

But without the sex education i guess they’re calling it dating violence

Texas education after all just change the wordage for effect


BewBewsBoutique t1_j2dpqha wrote

No, dating violence and date rape are different, even though they often hold hands.


Rhesus_TOR t1_j2dy08b wrote

Isn't date rape a subset of date violence? That is, date violence is more than just date rape, but all date rape is considered a type of date violence.


OrangeJuiceOW t1_j2f1uh8 wrote

This can't be the case because governor Abbott has delivered on his public promise of eliminating all rape, so I don't understand how this could happen.
