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Mr_Mumbercycle t1_j2441gu wrote

An old tried and true sales technique is to hand the customer the item/object, start in on your pitch, then take it back while you continue talking about it. It can create a sense of loss or longing once the person starts to take that ownership and you remove it from their possession.

Sauce: 20 years ago I had one of those awful gigs selling steak knives out of a roll up bag


culnaej t1_j26rz6e wrote

Did door to door fundraising, and this was part of the pitch. Put the tablet with our little slideshow of the nonprofit and the issues into the person’s hand, wait for them to stop swiping, and then hit them with the ask.

Problem is, most people didn’t know it was a slideshow (and the script didn’t mention it), and it’s not like they get to buy/keep it, so it really didn’t incentivize anyone to join the cause. But the higher ups definitely took their notes from Cutco and the like