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Viperbunny t1_j1eisa4 wrote

Two things have helped with my type 2 diabetes in ways that are huge for me. The first is having a CGM or constant glucose monitor. Seeing what my my blood sugars are in real time and by taping my phone to the device. I can see what foods effect me and how and when (which makes a difference for me). I went from an A1C of 11.1 to 7.1 in three months after being admitted to the ICU for DKA.

The other thing that has made a difference is the new type of medication that is non insulin based. Things like Ozempic and Manjuro (I switched from one to the other). I hate that it is the trendy weight loss drug because it has saved my life and is now so hard to get. It wasn't just a self control issue when it came to food. My whole life I was told it was and the hunger would go away eventually. But it never did. I didn't just feel a little hungry. I felt starving all the time. Like I would pass out of I didn't eat. It was terrible. I could also eat huge portions and still no feel full. I felt bloated, but not full.

Then I started Ozempic. I didn't crave straight sugar. I didn't want to eat all the time. I felt full. I ate so much less and I didn't want more. Eating good food and made me feel good. My chronic gut pain has been better. I have more energy. I have lost 50 pounds and am still losing because it doesn't hurt to eat right. Yes, I still have to watch what I eat because I can over eat, but it is not something I even want to do. I had to go off of it for three weeks because of an insurance issue and it was hell. I was doing my best to not consume everything in sight and I was on steroids!

My blood sugars are well controlled. I can react faster to correct issues. It's great. I get why it works for weightloss, because I needed to lose weight. I even considered a gastric sleeve. I was a week out from surgery when I decided not to do it. I am so glad I didn't! My friend did and he has struggled. Everyone I talked to said they didn't regret the surgery, but would then list all these issues they had. This drug is literally saving my life.


Polishink t1_j1ggi23 wrote

Hi, fellow (new)Ozempic user here. Did you experience any kind of lethargy or fatigue when you started the medication?


Viperbunny t1_j1ghwv8 wrote

Yes. Actually, my PCP didn't put me on insulin and I ended up in DKA. So it took about a month for me to adjust. I don't know how much was the DKA and how much the Ozempic. My stomach hurts for a few weeks. But after that it was clear sailing. I am now on Manjuro. My doctor said the weight loss was slightly better. I have a coupon that requires me to have insurance, but allows me to get it for $25 a month! I had to stop my meds for a few weeks because my husband changed jobs and we went through cobra, which was allowed to take over 30 days to post! I didn't have an issue going back on or after being off it.


Polishink t1_j1gimbe wrote

Thank you for your response. My Ozempic dose was just upped from .5 to 1 and I noticed that I was very tired. Hopefully I will adjust.


Viperbunny t1_j1gj98i wrote

I think that was the hardest jump for me. I know it works in the gut, and so it takes time to adjust. By the time you get used to the 1 that adjustment may happen. It did for me. If your blood sugars were high before, the fatigue could be the purging of the sugar. I know that I get topical yeast infections when my body is purging sugar as well. It can also be really hard on your bladder. If you can tolerate the next month well it definitely gets better. I hope that it does and you have success controlling your sugars. Diabetes sucks. These medications and technology are really helpful managing it. My grandpa used to have such trouble. I think he would go nuts for the CGMs.


DoobieMcBeast t1_j1hb0bv wrote

Ive never heard of anyone getting DKA from t2 diabetes. How old are you?


LadyJitsuLegs t1_j1i8pyx wrote

It isn't common or usually as severe as T1 DM, but it still happens. Common triggers for Type 2 are existing stressors like infection. Can also happen with alcohol abuse or non-compliance to medications. People with Type 1 can easily develop DKA from simply not taking insulin as their bodies produce none.


corpjuk t1_j1il4vh wrote

Have you checked out eating whole food plant based?


Viperbunny t1_j1il82s wrote

I have tried many different things over the years.