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2016sucksballs t1_j08poz4 wrote

Is it “decades of familial abuse, aided by doctors, teachers, and everyone else aroundC and denied your whole life, resulting in massive health issues?”

Because that’s why I feel bad.


Capitol__Shill t1_j09acf7 wrote

At least you have an excuse. I'm just unhappy for no good reason.


timberwolf0122 t1_j09gi8w wrote

You don’t need to excuse how you feel bro. Have you seen a doctor of therapist?


Capitol__Shill t1_j09h2qi wrote

Yeah I have in the past but it's never been revolutionary for me. Idk I honestly feel like I'm in a better place than I used to be. I just have to stay busy.


timberwolf0122 t1_j09haro wrote

Well I’m glad you are in a better place and that will keep on progressing. It might be worth bringing it up at your next checkup, especially if it’s a new doctor


Capitol__Shill t1_j09hhvu wrote

You have a good point. I actually just got insurance and have an appointment in 3 weeks so I'll bring it up. I appreciate ya.


Roboticpoultry t1_j0a3kid wrote

Same dude. I’ve tried therapies, multiple meds, major changes of scenery, damn near everything and yet my standard operating mood is still somewhere between meh and misery


Capitol__Shill t1_j0a3rku wrote

If I can maintain at meh I'm happy, its the misery that is tough.


Chetkica t1_j09imve wrote

Fucked intestinal microflora?


Capitol__Shill t1_j09k3j5 wrote

It's definitely part of it. Low fodmap has been helping but I tried a new probiotic today and it wrecked my guts.


Chetkica t1_j09nf9f wrote

I also have fodmap intolerance (and a whole host of mental stuff, both trauma and ASD/OCD/Tourettes neurotype repated) and it has helped me too. Though its not a long term solution ideally keep in mind, it can cause you to not get enough nutrients.

probiotics are a mixed bag, you are pretty much playing russian roulette.

Fecal transplants help w such primary cases of depression, EDs and so on.


Capitol__Shill t1_j09nubw wrote

Honestly what helped me the most has been being on antibiotics. Soon as they ran out though, my stomach issues came back. I thought I had cured all of that while I was on them. So I'm continuing the low fodmap and experimenting with probiotics. Your right though it's literally Russian roulette. I started one today and it had me cramping up all day. I think I'm going to try and get into fermenting foods and making my own yogurt.


Chetkica t1_j09og65 wrote

fermented stuff is good, if low fodmap yes.

These probiotics have a higher success rate than synthetic ones. I had ideas of fermenting fruit soy yogurt (its good!) on my own, but dropped it because in europe soy milk is high fodmap so and they dont sell small tetra-pak of soy milk, only 1 L sadly.


bunnyguts t1_j0ais45 wrote

I read ‘I contain multitudes’. It’s not a nutrition book but it does has information about probiotics and probiotics. Might be worth checking out. It’s a bit discouraging of probiotics, but seems to indicate some prebiotics can be useful.


Asuka-m t1_j0arwmz wrote

Depression and other mental health issues do not need to have an "excuse." You don't need some giant trauma or "a good reason" to have a valid problem, and you still deserve help and support regardless. I hope things improve for you


katarina-stratford t1_j0a40qd wrote

Don't forget being undiagnosed ADHD/Autism whilst lectured by parents because "everyone is a bit ADHD/Autistic".