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OwlAcademic1988 t1_j03nhyy wrote

We're making progress, but fusion energy's still nowhere near ready to be used yet. Exactly when it'll be ready, no one knows yet, but one hurdle has been overcome, which is good. Now the other hurdles have to be overcome such as energy storage, cost, efficiency, and the amount of times it can used in one day.


[deleted] t1_j03uco8 wrote



Blarg_III t1_j04t7ej wrote

Better and more effective to focus on commercial transport, manufacturing processes and other various industrial waste and pollution. A carbon tax would do considerably more good for the environment than switching everyone to electric cars tomorrow.


sw_faulty t1_j04g519 wrote

And go vegan


m-in t1_j06nfmm wrote

Given how inefficient it is to feed people with animal products - yeah, knee jerk downvoters got something to think about first.