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mOdQuArK t1_izoogck wrote

> unequivocally know that this “different way of causing the same effect” is comparably safe but infinitely more effective

I am far more willing to believe in the opinions of the many experts who have studied the subject in cooperation with each other for years, than I am the half-assed opinions of fear-mongering willful-ignorants whose closest view of a test tube was from mad scientist horror flicks.


thrillho333 t1_izoxyf7 wrote

Yeah 6 mice were more than sufficient for you to get the bivalent I’m assuming?


obliviousofobvious t1_izuhi6k wrote

The sheer amount of science that went into mRNA before it ever even made it to the testing phase with the mind boggling amount of intelligent people who worked on it all says it's safe.

But yes; let's trust the "checks notes" random Facebook accounts who all start their thoughts with "I'm no scientist but..."

I'm gonna go with the pros on this one broseph. But you do you.