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sgramstrup t1_j27fj0n wrote

..or stop buying trees for Christmas ? I'm certain the Co2 levels would benefit..


Artanthos t1_j29dnu7 wrote

It’s pulling more CO2 from the air than it’s adding,

New trees are replanted, pulling CO2 from the air. Meanwhile a lot of the old trees get mulched or buried in landfills, which is sequestered carbon.


sgramstrup t1_j2c600d wrote

The phenomenon of Christmas trees, or Christmas in general are a Co2 and resource waster. The waste are huge on every level. Landfills burps Co2/methane like a geyser. Eco fuels are not very 'eco', and sequestering carbon could be done in other more scientific minded ways.


Artanthos t1_j2e15a8 wrote

Step 1: grow trees, which pulls CO2 from the atmosphere

Step 2: cut trees down and sell them

Step 3: compost trees or burn trees, which releases some, but not all, of the captured carbon back into the atmosphere.

Step 4: goto step 1


This results in a net carbon sink.