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cryms0n t1_iz1gvw6 wrote

They do, so long as whichever hearing device you get as tinnitus management support. The big manufacturers like Phonak and Oticon all come with some tinnitus support in their devices.

That being said, even without the noise therapy/tinnitus management, wearing the devices ensures the auditory nerve is receiving adequate stimulation across all speech frequencies. Tinnitus often arises as a result of hearing loss (but not always), but in those cases by ensuring you are hearing all frequencies at an adequate level, the brain can start re-wiring back to how it was before the auditory deprivation kicked in and the brain had to start hype-rtuning itself to compensate for the lack of input arriving from the nerve.


fido4lilchops t1_iz1uhtv wrote

Thanks for this! Gave me a bit more hope than I’ve had in a long time on this topic.


Tek_Freek t1_iz5zelg wrote

I was given some "aids" that were supposed to negate my tinnitus by emitted sounds that would nullify the tinnitus. (I know I've the terminology wrong)

What I got were two sounds. They never did make it work.