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martin87i t1_iwsd8ms wrote

So how was the dating 3.48 billion years ago?


FabulousEmotions t1_iwt4dss wrote

The mounds, called stromatolites, are made from cyanobacteria, one of the first and most prolific lifeforms on Earth. They left behind extremely tiny grains from their bodies after death which became sedimentary rock after millions of years. These stromatolites survive today and can be dated w radioactive dating.


martin87i t1_iwtemst wrote

No I mean, how was the dating back then?


Channel250 t1_iwtf0qp wrote

Girls always busy washing their hair...


FabulousEmotions t1_iwtfk16 wrote

That excuse worked billions of years before hair or Saved by the Bell ever existed


Channel250 t1_iwtgc56 wrote

Zack "Timed-Out" so hard it was burned into our planets geologic history.


FabulousEmotions t1_iwtgzde wrote

It created Dustin Diamonds deep in the mantle. They were not discovered for millions of years. Uh, then they got too old, made a weird porn, got in bar fights, and died.