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yacht_boy t1_iwlx71l wrote

Just hate seeing people trashing a subject I have devoted my entire career to with misinformation and innuendo. Water reuse is safe, effective, and achievable.


ScientificSkepticism t1_iwly3nc wrote

Mate at some point if multiple people are reading your "serious post" and are waiting for the rest of the Navy Seal copypasta, you done went wrong.


yacht_boy t1_iwlzwsr wrote

Meh, what can I say. I am legitimately not allowed to give out any identifying details that would tie me to my employer on any social media channel, because then I would be considered to be representing that employer. I can only represent my employer by going through all the official channels, which involves public affairs people, managerial review, blah blah blah. I have to take an annual training on this exact topic. Nowhere near as exciting as a Navy Seal, but similar levels of bureaucracy.