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BadAtExisting t1_iy9vics wrote

I work in TV and film. Trust me when I say this is more of the same celebrity culture. It’s amazing the lengths we need to go with security sometimes just to shoot scenes on location with certain actors. People think they have some sort of connection and/or relationship with a character they played. Or, more frighteningly, after watching every PR press junket interview these actors do, they somehow think they know the actor deeply personally. The online battles that’s drama kicked up by fans of different actors can be funny. Particularly when you’re standing there on set and Twitter is all a flutter about some dumb between actor drama not at all happening on set. (Sometimes actors don’t like each other and they get their chairs physically separated, though that usually means some other actor there for the day or week’s chair is between them, nothing ground shaking, just treating them like the overgrown toddlers they can become.) All the manufactured online drama can be a distraction, but most of these people have their team (assistant, manager, PR) managing their social media for them and they never see the mess surrounding them. Some actors are more personally active than others, but when we’re all on set 12+ hours a day they have better things to do than be on social media. People really need to put the devices down and get out into the world and cultivate real world relationships