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IslandChillin OP t1_iybrov3 wrote

"Researchers at the University of Southern Denmark investigated the noise-making techniques of Daubenton’s bat, a small species of the winged mammal found across Europe and Asia. The study, published Tuesday in the journal PLOS Biology, focuses on the different structures of the larynx — also known as the voice box — that bats use to expand their vocal range.

Vocal communication is essential for bats: They famously use sound to navigate their surroundings and locate their prey in a process known as echolocation. The flying critters also use sounds to communicate socially.

And bats that use echolocation have an impressive, seven-octave vocal range to match their sound needs, the researchers said. By comparison, most mammals, including humans, have a vocal range of three to four octaves. Bats use extremely high-pitched sounds to echolocate, but employ low-pitched growls to communicate with each other."


Wingzfly t1_iyd9yxa wrote

Doesn't Mariah Carey also have a seven-octave range? Is Mariah Carey Batgirl?


WasabiZone13 t1_iydps6f wrote

A better title would be "death metal singers use same techniques as bats to vocalize, study finds."

Pretty sure the bats were doing it first.


ewillyp t1_iyeqcj6 wrote

so from King Diamond to Cannibal Corpse?