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TheMailmanic t1_ivdq8yo wrote

Well yes your bmr goes down as you lose weight Because it’s a function of your body weight to some extent

That said, a calorie deficit is the only real way a person will lose weight over time. The people who rebound are the ones who do extreme diets that they can’t sustain long term. Plenty of people have done slow and steady calorie deficits to reach a target weight then raise calorie to maintenance to maintain that weight


Okay_Try_Again t1_ivg1dbo wrote

Not just your bmr goes down, hunger hormones increase as well.

Look at the research you will see that all the studies here a large amount of people can keep off the weight are just one yr long. When you get to a 3-5 yr study, the numbers for people who can maintain the loss are 5-20 percent. And if you have obesity when you try to lose weight the odds go way down, because obesity changes your hormones even further.