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83-Edition t1_ixf2tgz wrote

The person you're responding to is over simifying and also generally incorrect as skiing climate impact pales in comparison to other things like air, boat, or many other types of leisure activities. If you hike up a mountain and ski down you're not causing an environmental impact. If you're on a resort, then yes trees were cut down to make the runs. Lift systems are also energy intensive, some resorts get some or all their energy from renewable sources, some don't. Others Groom runs and use heavy equipment to scrape them and make them easier to ski on which burns gas. There has been a lot of action and initiative on the part of the ski industry because most everyone who likes to ski realizes climate change will make it go away forever so a lot are doing much more than any other industry to reduce emissions.


TibotPhinaut t1_ixglnhj wrote

The person he was responding to at least has some idea of skiing in the Alps, whereas you seem totally oblivious to the cancerous impact it has taken.

Every single run is groomed in Europe, the ski season is artificially extended by artificial snow, water is being withheld from nature in artificial lakes for these snow cannons, cable cars/chairlifts have heated seats, most ski areas are absolutely barren when it comes to biodiversity and they do cover a larger and larger extent.

I could go on, but I won't, because you've clearly never been to the Alps.