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Nobpointe t1_iv2u0nk wrote

Life just gets worse and worse for.this generation


soMAJESTIC t1_iv2vjjt wrote

This is not some threat.


oodelay t1_iv2z7is wrote

Well my safe bubble is 1600 light years and this black hole is invading my private place


Potietang t1_iv3107y wrote

Considering the black hole at the center of our own galaxy is 26,000 ly away it’s definitely disturbing.


soMAJESTIC t1_iv318wk wrote

It just means the black hole is also in the same galaxy.


ontopofyourmom t1_iv35tov wrote

A black hole is no more threatening to earth than any other object of the same mass, and there are thousands and thousands of such objects (eg large stars) within 1,600 light years


Pegajace t1_iv3dvim wrote

This black hole presents no threat to us whatsoever. It's one hundred million times further away from Earth than the Sun is, and it's only got ten times the Sun's mass. Since the force of gravity decreases according to the square of the distance between objects, the effect it has on us is so tiny it can't be measured. For example, the dwarf planet Pluto pulls on the Earth with a gravitational force ~1,500 times greater than the black hole does, simply because Pluto is millions of times closer.

Even if the black hole was vacuuming us in at the speed of light (which, to be clear, it will not and cannot do), it's still 1,600 light-years away and would take 1,600 years for the Earth to get there—not exactly a problem for this generation.