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tominator93 t1_iy5lsm0 wrote

I personally would adjust this statement as “making your own well-being a priority in your life”. This prevents you from falling into the trap of chasing some unattainable, vaguely defined notion of “happiness” as a “goal state” that the culture tells us we should be experiencing at all times. Something that I think is all too easy to do for most of us.

This approach also has the benefit of being much more actionable most of the time. “True happiness” is abstract. But If something is sapping your well-being, you usually can identify it with 2-3 minutes of honest reflection.


dwittty t1_iy5nxtv wrote

I like this take. I think there’s also something to be said for taking some time during those 2-3 minutes of reflection to focus on what is bringing you joy and doing more of that. This way you can work toward enhancing the good as well as mitigating the bad.