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tornpentacle t1_ixzvrap wrote

That is simply untrue. Decarboxylation also occurs at room temperature, but the reaction takes place at a much lower rate. Any tested sample of dried cannabis flower will contain the cannabinoid acids and smaller amounts of the decarboxylated cannabinoids. For a ready proof that you can find and choose yourself, look at the lab test results of any online hemp store—any cannabis flower invariably contains decarboxylated cannabinoids (because that's how physics works... relatively unstable chemical groups are prone to decomposition).


Bulky-Pool-5180 t1_iy01b2h wrote

You are equating dried plant material to Cannabis flower. Cannabis flower is wet-weight by default...not dried. Decarboxylation is Temperature, Humidity and Light effected.

Technically...Marijuana is Cannabis' low-thc cousin.