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Adamofatom t1_iuf1bhb wrote

And who do you think the farmers farm for?

I am definitely for more regulations for the industry. But at the end of the day the industry feeds the needs of the consumers.


TheLastForestOnEarth t1_iufaf1h wrote

Farmers farm for themselves. Farming is a for-profit business. They're not heroes, selflessly generating food so the rest of us can live.


kuroimakina t1_iuf3f6w wrote

Consumers are stupid, and those who aren’t stupid are often too overworked and tired to also spend all their time picking and choosing every single purchase to minimize their impact to the environment. It’s all just how the system works - make everyone overworked, undereducated, and/or generally disenfranchised and they’ll just accept anything


MewgDewg t1_iuf80fz wrote

idk friend - I understand your sentiment but anecdotally it only took me an afternoon to figure out what in my area was reasonably sustainable and what specifically was not, when certain things I like were in season etc.. I definitely agree with the "No ethical consumption" sentiment but I don't feel like it's a good excuse not to try