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Accidental-Genius t1_is5v5d3 wrote

Who funded this and why?


Tardigradelegs OP t1_is5vu63 wrote

Bottom of study linked: Funding

This research was funded by a Human Frontier Science Program grant RGP0016/2019. C.N. was funded by a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship.


TheLastForestOnEarth t1_is68f6q wrote

You worried about your tax dollars?

Exploring how smart fish can be, or whether or not they experience pain & suffering, might just be a fantastic use of tax dollars - it could end up reducing demand for seafood, which is in decline and threatened by global warming.


jungles_fury t1_is697gd wrote

This type of research is valuable for cognition and dementia


TheLastForestOnEarth t1_is69wle wrote

Hell yeah

Maybe goldfish have the cure for dementia hidden away, deep in their shallow little brains.


jungles_fury t1_is694qb wrote

Cognition and memory are vital areas of research. Just because you're incapable of seeing the relevance of knowledge and applications doesn't make it irrelevant.


Bad_Name_Generator t1_is6garu wrote

Boolean algebra was once considered useless because it had not real world application. Nowadays, most people have in their pocket a little device that wouldn't even exists if boolean algebra wasn't invented. You can never know if or when a discovery will have real world applications.