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iforgotmyacctinfo123 t1_itntplb wrote

Holy hell, this hit really close to home to the point that I got a bit emotional, reading it; I could’ve sworn we were living the same life. I’m no expert in the field nor topic, but have been struggling for years now in my adult life (I’m 27), to the point of emotional distress. I had always suspected the possibility of ADHD, but didn’t fully buy into it (mainly because I thought you had to be the textbook hyperactive, attention deficit description to fully consider it a possibility. The other reason being that I was an adult and it seem so odd to me to have these issues arise so prominently now; I just shrugged as just “life” itself), but reading this, I should get myself checked out or tested. Thank you for sharing your story, and I hope things have been much easier to manage for you in recent times