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TootsNYC t1_itpr8mp wrote

I grew up in a small rural town. My parents deliberately retired to a city because my mom wanted to be closer to health care services as she aged. (I had cancer as a kid, and we had to go to a city for treatment, which meant hotel stays, etc)

And she wanted to be able to call a taxi to go to the doctor when they got too frail to drive, instead of having to rely on the kindness of her neighbors

It’s not just young people who prefer cities

The big problem is that intermediate cities are shrinking


darkpaladin t1_itps95m wrote

That could be a happy middle ground, try and offload from major cities to smaller cities until the cost of living balances out.


Chroderos t1_itqx2ui wrote

College towns are what you are looking for.


therapist122 t1_itrc6yg wrote

Yep walkability and public transit are godsends for the disabled and elderly. Let's you have independence. It doesn't have to be just cities, suburbs could be this way too but we build everything for car dependency.