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SemanticTriangle t1_irq97yk wrote

It's reasonable to assume all of the normal caveats and side conditions apply, but it definitely makes the sentence less punchy. I guess all in all, it's easier to accuse me of ableism than to think about the vast majority of people in the OECD who age badly because they just don't make the time for it.

The statement isn't intended to be comprehensive. It's intended to be simple. Most people, especially able bodied people, think of old age as something that happens to them that can't be mitigated. There's a component of that, but for the most part it can be held off by being active. Even people with disabilities benefit from being as active as they can.

See how much longer that was to write?


HypatiaBlue t1_irw6qew wrote

>Stupid question (from someone who's guilty of what you described) - any suggestions on where to begin or is there a point of no-return? After a certain level of "decline", even walking can be painful. I'm genuinely asking because I'm trying really hard, but there are people who are all too willing to write me off.


SemanticTriangle t1_irwb414 wrote

It's complicated, especially if your problem is high body fat percentage. Eating disorders are no joke, but controlling body fat ultimately comes down to controlling energy intake.

If you are just not active, then you start at the beginning. Either /r/fitness or /r/bodyweightfitness have beginner guides and faqs. But there's no easy or short road. You have to consistently put in the work and it's not easy.

If you have medical problems or pain you may need medical advice first, or to fix underlying issues, and those subs will not give medical advice.


codehoser t1_irqfcaf wrote

Is that supposed to convince us that it was a dumb idea for you to write an accurate statement over a sensational one because it took you all of six sentences?
