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[deleted] t1_itikd2z wrote

yes, in this way we can cut substitue or repair genes that causing troubles

f it's useless then nobody should have gotten a nobel why do i aleays here mixed expplanation mechanisms on crispr? looks like is both usels and both the most useful tool ever created

one thing is sure

we can't even cure dematitis imagine what we can do with mental disorders , just locking ill people in hospital thinking they <are wrong and do nothing for them

hahaha that's peak humanity i hate you all


triffid_boy t1_itimb7u wrote

Never said it was useless. It's awesome, I use it in the lab. But It's not a cure-all. We can't just "Crispr it" when we identify even a single gene trait genotype caused a certain disease.


[deleted] t1_itinnzh wrote

>er said it was useless. It's awesome, I use it in the lab. But It's not a cure-all. We can't just "Crispr it" when we identify even a single gene trait gen

what's the problem? i'm not sadly a chemist or a genetic engineer

but sure i need it because my life is fucked up


triffid_boy t1_itk6tuf wrote

Because all these disease associated genes have functions, we can't just knock them out, they have important work to do. The disease associate variants are just that, a variant of a healthy version of the same gene, which could be all sorts of different things, too much/little expression (Crispr won't do anything here), or a mutation that changes the protein (Crispr might do something here with a lot of additional tinkering).

The other problem is delivery. It's relatively easy in a dish, but doing it to every cell in the body is essentially impossible. If the disease exists in, or can be fixed by modifying, an accessible cell type like say circulating immune cells, then that's the first target for medicine. See for example car-t cells.


[deleted] t1_itkgnb3 wrote

i feel that crispr is completely useless and the only thing that could save our future generations from genetic disease is sadly eugenics, sad to say but if we keep reproducing humanity will face a slow death before everyone suffered disparity

i just need an hair loss cure and and an autism cure i'm just 20 my life is ruined and i'm contemplating suicide i guess it' inevitable now and i am also predisposed to dementia and diabetes and i'm already getting blind

my life is ruined

i don't want to face an inevitable destiny, i can't run from what my parents set, what is the point in living a written destiny