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Active_Remove1617 t1_je1wmtx wrote

I don’t rate the Apple Watch oxygen monitoring. It only samples about 10 times in a single nightly sleep period. I sometimes wear an oxygen monitor and it never correlates with the watch. I’m on CPAP too.


[deleted] t1_je253pz wrote

Hmmm. Ok. Good to know. Is there a setting to make it check more often?


Active_Remove1617 t1_je26hyq wrote

Nope. It’s a very poor attempt. Maybe in future updates.


[deleted] t1_je2d9k0 wrote

Beh. That’s why I got the thing, really. To check my sleeping.


Active_Remove1617 t1_je2ek8i wrote

Me too. That and the ECG function.


[deleted] t1_je2fky4 wrote

Well don’t tell me THATS stupid too?


Active_Remove1617 t1_je2go01 wrote

No,I hear that’s really good. Top class. This makes the O2 poor performance all the more lamentable. The o2 measuring is actually accurate but the sample rate is awful.