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Pyrhan t1_jdic3h7 wrote

A cellulose filter loaded with organic dyes is very easy to incinerate, converting it all to CO2 and water.

As long as no organochlorine compounds or heavy metals are present, it should not pose an issue.


infinitealchemics t1_jdid9as wrote

As someone who works in waste incineration you are right. It'd be added into the burning process or at least dumped to a lined chemical waste disposal facility.


doomboy667 t1_jdissf1 wrote

My SO was just talking about this sort of system the other day. It's being test piloted at a few different manufacturing facilities for removal of different kinds of chemicals. They work for an environmental contracting company and they just got the greenlight to set one up. From what I hear it's pretty neat and stands to be the next big thing in wastewater treatment.