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Brain_Hawk t1_jc7owh4 wrote

Well, there is an emerging field called pharmacogenetics where certain gene characteristics are related to the efficacy or more likely the side effect profile of different medications. There are attempts to bring this into clinical practice, where people can be screened for certain genes which would indicate the potential for more severe side effects for a certain medication, suggesting an alternative should be pursued instead. It's still new, so it's still under development, but it's being done in some research context and will probably be pretty common in about 10 or 15 years

I'll research is difficult and takes a long time and hard work. Very little research helps anybody except for in a long time. But then suddenly it does help, often in dramatic and life-changing ways. But science is hard, and implementation is one of the hardest parts


TTigerLilyx t1_jc8yu76 wrote

Absolutely wonderful breakthru.

Tho when I did the testing, it was called pharmagenomics.

Im a pretty self aware person, so this test verified what I had mostly figured out for myself over my lifetime as to what drugs i could or couldn’t take. My family’s problems with anesthesia & pain meds, specifically.

Im sure it was wildly expensive, but my Dr somehow got it cleared and Im about to try & get it run for my son, who has some ailments that they’re having a terrible time finding drugs that don’t have severe side effects for him. This is the future and one of the biggest advances no one is talking about.