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Witty_Interaction_77 t1_jc5mjeo wrote

Not to mention everything is worse here. (In the west). Except for the great depression, there's no metric for the hell we live in. High rent, low wage hell. Getting hot as hell too.


Strazdas1 t1_jc62jub wrote

Not everywhere. I too am in "the west" and my purchasing power increased significantly in the last 10 years.


jb-trek t1_jc6612s wrote

Is it because you got older and promoted or because the same job you did 10 yr ago was better paid?


goobershank t1_jc6wb5j wrote

I would hope promoted. What kind of loser would stay in the same position for 10 years?


Strazdas1 t1_jc6a4sg wrote

Its a combination of both. I still do mostly the same job, but i do have a better position on paper.


jb-trek t1_jc6bgfg wrote

You got better at doing the same job too through experience, which makes sense to increase your pay even if it’s the same job.

I mean it’s a bit misleading to say you got more “purchasing power” which suggests you can buy more things with the same money when you actually meant that your pay was increased.