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ModsAreN0tGoodPeople t1_jbvjlkf wrote

MDMA will always be my favorite illicit substance. Some super clean molly is just the best. Hard to find though.

*for the morons who have no idea what they are talking about, you can buy super cheap testing kits for mdma that will tell if your connection is legit or selling you garbage. Also, it’s not meth, if you are basing that on the fact the name contains the word “meth” in it then it’s probably a safe assumption that you failed chemistry and should keep your mouth shut about things you don’t understand.


Falagard t1_jbvnapy wrote

I have heard that some people believe that each married couple should do MDMA together once each year. I've heard it is magic.


Bosno t1_jbvz5gj wrote

It’s magical, but it also depends on the couple and the persons. If your mentality is a certain way, after the magic wears off you will be sad that every day as a couple isn’t that magical and connected. It just brings people together in ways that nothing else can.


LetMeGuessYourAlts t1_jbyjjcm wrote

Not to mention 2 days later when you're irritable as hell and bickering over the dumbest things until your happy chemicals regenerate


oooshi t1_jbywhh8 wrote

So your saying spend two days vibing together then two days alone to recoop, and in less than a week your marriage is alive again?! Alright. Someone help me write this screen play I think Vince Vaughn and Jen Aniston stand a chance in this one


ModsAreN0tGoodPeople t1_jbzgg9w wrote

You end up with low serotonin because Molly basically tells your brain to just dump it all into your bloodstream. I personally never experienced the “hangover” effect , had a very nice afterglow after the high wore off and was right as rain next day but everybody is different. The one thing to avoid is trying to do it again too quickly. I limited my self to once a month otherwise the trip wasn’t very strong.


facthanshotfirst t1_jbzn846 wrote

Something unlocked last weekend between me and husband after our mdma trip, we can’t keep our hands off eachother. I think it helps that we have been working out really hard at the gym to keep eachother motivated.


facthanshotfirst t1_jbwx31f wrote

It’s definitely something else. Last weekend my spouse and I took shrooms+mdma at a music festival and had the time of our lives. We watched ODESZA for the first time and it was such a magical experience for us. There’s such a fantastic connection with people and music when on it. I highly recommend it, if you can get it from people you trust and test it.


supbrah_ t1_jbw24zu wrote

E is amazing, everyone should try it at least once. If used moderately its great.


EM05L1C3 t1_jbwj7bk wrote

Take it with your enemy and for a very short while they will be your best friend.

Source: had a hateful ex who still hung out with my friend group. He stopped being hateful for 30ish minutes


GlassEyeMV t1_jbxsfg4 wrote

My best friend and I now have a connection for mushrooms. We did them once together in college and now, we try to do them once every few years together just to hang out and reset our brains and have fun together. We usually just hang out, play with the dog, play a board game, go for walks around his neighborhood etc. Its great. With having a regular contact now, I think we’ll be doing it annually.


glue715 t1_jbyp2p1 wrote

r/unclebens be your own connect. You can thank me later…


glokz t1_jby2878 wrote

Oh yes, it helped me to talk about stuff we kept in taboo area for years.

So much easier to open and talk about sensitive stuff while high.

It's like, you can talk about your biggest pain without shedding a single tear.


glue715 t1_jbyolkm wrote

I have been divorced for 15 years, I truly believe MDMA and some couples therapy would have saved my marriage.


andy_bovice t1_jbvytpz wrote

Molly + mushrooms, what a blast.

Mdma isnt good for your head though. I do regret doing it in retrospect.


ModsAreN0tGoodPeople t1_jbvzdql wrote

I used to do it once a month. Never had issues. I had a great connection though, very clean stuff. Lost that connection and haven’t done it since.


andy_bovice t1_jbz1fra wrote

after years of use i noticed it affected my ability to recall memories and information. there is literature on it showing it has long lasting negative effects on the hippocampal neurons in the brain?

Long story short, yes its very fun but i would recommend to do it sparingly. Theres really no substitute for legitimate happiness (vs drug induced happiness).

When i did molly it was usually because i was socially awkward etc and going to a party. I have no significant desire to consume molly these days, even if it was pure and free…

Mushrooms on the other hand, definitely worth it like once a year just to touch base with yourself.


ModsAreN0tGoodPeople t1_jbz67sf wrote

Personally I hated mushrooms. Regretted it every time. I haven’t done any drugs at all in five or six years. Not even weed though it’s legal here. Not like I had a problem I just grew up. If the opportunity presented itself I probably would do MDMA again though.


EscapeHungry3643 t1_jbzud3a wrote

It gets worse with age and with repeated use. By my mid thirties it was trading 4 hours of fun for an awful comedown plus 2 days of feeling like crap.


Doesanybodylikestuff t1_jbw0aqg wrote

This is what I’m going to try next. After I’m done being handicapped, I want to refresh my outlook a bit. I’ll do them both separately once each and then I’ll combine them and try it out a few months later.

I’m going to do it with just my husband and best friends. If you have a fave album or a few songs that hit the spot for you, let me know!

I’m soooooo looking forward to putting this chapter of my life behind me and start framing my life more positively and beautifully.


interleeuwd t1_jbws27v wrote

Mushrooms + music is the best. No idea what sort of music you are into, but for me it’s pretty hard to beat Shpongle. His music is drugs by itself, but he has a way of just setting a trip off completely. It can definitely be too intense though, depending on where you are at in your trip


andy_bovice t1_jbyzwvz wrote

Music recommendations?!? Of course! ill think of a few and post.

Not sure what kind of handicapped but on mushrooms and acid simple things are really fun: coloring, music, being outside. The afterglow is my favorite part and youre more functional so can go to bar and talk to people and chill out. Peaking can be tough and you feel glued to the couch and awkward.


Bitter_Jackfruit8752 t1_jbwahfk wrote

I always enjoyed the more psychedelic feel of MDA and all the nice empathic/euphoric feelings of oneness are just the best!


[deleted] t1_jbxcv6g wrote



ThisWillBeOnTheExam t1_jby577r wrote

Had a batch of sass that gave me and others the shits. So strange.


atWorkWoops t1_jby7a3m wrote

Baby laxative is a common cutting agent in cocaine and other powders


[deleted] t1_jbznys9 wrote

Is it really though? Cocaine, being a stimulant, has got serious laxative properties by itself. Add to this the excitement that comes when one is about do x drug. Furthermore I've never stumbled upon "powdered" MDMA nor MDA.


onomojo t1_jbxbhwn wrote

We used to call them rolls back in the day. Once you get a "dirty" roll you end up seeking that out. Dirty is just mixed with meth.


atWorkWoops t1_jby7npz wrote

Or the highly sought out mdma heroin combo where you sink into the couch but everything feels amazing. And then eventually become one with the fuzzy blanket.


BeneficialElephant5 t1_jbyapx7 wrote

Testing kits will tell you if your product contains any MDMA or not. They can also tell you if it contains some common contaminants. Testing kits cannot tell you if it's "super clean" or not.


DOG-ZILLA t1_jbyfc6f wrote

Having taken many illicit / illegal substances myself over time, I can totally agree to this.

It makes you energetic, talkative, interested in everything, caring for everything. It really is a wonder drug for someone like me who can be low-energy and sometimes quite cynical about the World.

You feel a connection to everything that is genuinely very difficult to describe unless you’ve experienced it yourself. Your empathy is through the roof and you sincerely feel that when you’re talking with someone, you’re really listening and not just hearing.

Anyhow, that’s my 2 cents. Obviously if you ever try it, be mindful that these effects are the drugs working but it can help to break down some prejudices when you’re back in reality…which is nice.


[deleted] t1_jbvljnz wrote



StarvingAfricanKid t1_jbvq7rh wrote

Mdma is the good stuff. Much Molly for sale contains Methamphetamine. Mixed with MDMA. And sometimes MDA.
But pure MDMA is The Best.


[deleted] t1_jbvrn7r wrote



tylerderped t1_jbvycy0 wrote

It’s easy af to differentiate molly from meth, even without test kits. They look and smell different.


Man0fGreenGables t1_jbwjvda wrote

Every once in a while when I’m driving and I turn the heat towards my windshield I catch a whiff of something that strongly reminds me of the smell of MDMA and I haven’t done any in 20 years. I have no idea where it’s coming from but it’s a smell I will never forget.


nyancatdude t1_jbw4xud wrote

molly is a completely different chemical than meth


siliconevalley69 t1_jbwadkt wrote


And when you buy molly/mdma in the US you are almost always actually getting meth (cut with other things).


Big_Contract482 t1_jbvs93z wrote

I can only imagine how stupid you are and I hope you find genius over night.i would encourage anything but hard-core substances. Try first, herbal teas from etsy, blue lotus flower, weed edibles, natural things ect.


tylerderped t1_jbvy8qv wrote

I can assure you, no tea is gonna make you feel like mdma does. Don’t be such a square.