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Rickshmitt t1_jdcqw59 wrote

Finally. I send all my emotions to my gut. Stupid body


BassJerky t1_jdcuk6w wrote

And people wonder why they’re depressed as they eat their steady diet of processed garbage.


WitloofDSV t1_jdd2deh wrote

Thats why we have physical responses like "butterflies in the stomach" for certain mental states like infatuation or stress?


DeathRebirth t1_jdd3t82 wrote

Directly linking the nerve pathway to a syndrome like IBS is risky in my mind. IBS diagnosises are given out like candy as well as a buffet of different treatments, and then saying "you likely have IBS, try repressing your main channel between gut and brain" seems like a recipe for longer term health issues.

Not saying the study is bad or the conclusions about the importance of this pathway, but the immediate treatment links that a title like this suggests are not so great.

I say this as someone that suffers from IBD, likely recurrent SIBO, and possibly some IBS mechanism separate to the former 2 issues. No matter what treatment I receive, I still have constant recurrent pain, but I would still be hesitant to inhibit this pathway directly...


SaltZookeepergame691 t1_jddc88t wrote

That’s not what this study is suggesting. And we already know IBS is a syndrome related to disordered gut-brain interaction - that’s why the umbrella terminology for these conditions is literally “disorders of gut-brain interaction”.

This study shines a closer light on the specific cellular mechanisms that might be involved in IBS discomfort/pain, which provides targets for specific therapies at the level of the gut - they are specifically looking at hyperactivation of enterochromaffin cells, which are neuronal cells embedded in the gut wall, that then signal to gut neurons and ultimately produce visceral pain reactions.

Edit: the serotonin signalling modulator they use as proof-of-principle in the model is alosetron, which is only used in very severe IBS in women (it was withdrawn from all other indications due to side effects). Trust me - they are not suggesting that everyone take systemic alosetron, they are not stupid:

>Data presented here also support a role for local, rather than systemic serotonergic signalling at the interface between EC cells and mucosal afferents, consistent with recent suggestions that primary afferent nerve fibres form synapse-like associations with enteroendocrine cells. Alosetron, which is approved for the treatment of severe IBS with diarrhoea in women39, has been proposed to exert its analgesic effect centrally or through inhibition of high-threshold nociceptors in the gut wall. We propose an alternative or further mechanism to account for this sex-biased analgesic effect, namely one involving modulation of serotonergic signalling at EC cell–mucosal afferent circuits.


UnarmedSnail t1_jdeap6u wrote

So when you have a gut feeling, you're actually having a gut feeling. I wonder if these nerve clusters are left over from the time when we were worms with multiple brains.


Former_Maybe_8437 t1_jdeb7xv wrote

> And we already know IBS is a syndrome related to disordered gut-brain interaction

I respectfully have to take issue with this statement.

We know that modulation of neurochemicals can modulate GI symptoms, and/or perception of GI symptoms in certain patients and we know that there is a connection between certain kinds of gut-brain signaling, but to say that this is the original causal mechanism behind IBS isn’t founded. It’s one proposed model of IBS, one of many.

Just proving the concept that these pathways are active in GI symptom perception doesn’t prove that this is the root cause. It merely proves that these pathways can be leveraged as potential treatments.


Curtainses t1_jdebglw wrote

I have cyclical vomiting syndrome, triggered by anxiety. This kind of breakthrough is super important for people that suffer CVS.


SaltZookeepergame691 t1_jdeezz7 wrote

You’re right that “know” is being overworked in my initial statement. But, insofar as DGBI is a broad church of mechanisms from stimuli to neuronal function to the brain, and DGBI is the terminology employed by the body defining IBS, there really aren’t any major competing theories any more.


Saltine_Machine t1_jdel1ga wrote

It's funny... I am reading this while my anixety is through the roof and my ibs is acting up... by funny I mean I'm sad.


slickhedstrong t1_jdel1y2 wrote

i always assumed it was because the neurons in your gut work in tandem with the neuron in your brain. the guy has the second most amount of neurons in the body.

in my mind that's why we get "gut feelings" and would explain butterflies and why we thought love was any abdomen thing rather than a brain thing


Cannonballbmx t1_jdemen7 wrote

Interesting fact, you can actually have a migraine in your stomach. My son has had stomach issues we’ve been trying to address with his doctor and this is one of the things we tried to control with a certain medication.


lalalandland t1_jdepzg0 wrote

I am oversensitive to gluten. I get anxiety when I accidentally eat gluten. It's manifests as panic attack and after a while I become really fatigued. A few years ago I realized the cause of this an my life is so much better when I avoid gluten. Now I have much more energy and I don't have a constant lingering anxiety


Macemore t1_jdeuwwn wrote

Man I'd love this to be a simple, cost effective fix.


DeathRebirth t1_jdexjvu wrote

Except that IBS is a big pot doctors throw people into when they don’t have any other easy answers. Some studies suggest a massive overlap with SIBO which really puts into question if this isn’t a mine field of misdiagnosis and lack of fundamental understanding of what’s going on in these patients.

I experienced exactly this first hand until now.


Former_Maybe_8437 t1_jdexkv4 wrote

>there really aren’t any major competing theories any more.

This is false. Food intolerances, medication side effects, SIBO and motility issues are all potential underlying causes of IBS other that neurochemical imbalances.

Where is your source of a major medical body declaring that DGBI is the sole cause of IBS to the exclusion of all others?


NotSockPuppet t1_jdf5cvu wrote

Oh, a study! On the front page of reddit?


What percentage of the studies hold up over two years? Why do you think this may be related to more 'junk' science? What do you know about the link of eating chocolate and the rate of weight loss?


Sally_twodicks t1_jdfeycu wrote

Finally. Since I was a kid. The walk down the driveway home having bad grades was a fart fest.


UpgrayeDD405 t1_jdfi0ly wrote

So this could explain my IBS and anxiety? Neat.


kaqemix t1_jdfl9bs wrote

Pure speculation here. I wonder if some anxieties arise from gut dysbiosis or other issues as a mechanism to warn that things are wrong and changes need to be made.


angelicasinensis t1_jdfrwyz wrote

I have been working on healing my gut to cure my anxiety, and it’s really really working. I’m thrilled. It’s pretty amazing really.


angelicasinensis t1_jdfs1xc wrote

This is what I believe! I think anxiety is a symptom and not an issue in itself- now I’m healing my gut issues (SIBO and dysbiosis) my anxiety is like better everyday - haven’t had a panic attack in months and I almost feel normal after pretty severe anxiety and borderline agoraphobia. Pretty nice.


angelicasinensis t1_jdfxcaf wrote

Quit alcohol and coffee, went on a low FODMAP diet and am doing two months of herbal antimicrobials followed by two months of glucosamine and N acetyl glucosamine and targeted probiotics. I am also taking supplements to help my body create more bile to help digestion (herbal bitters and tumeric.) I did the GI Map test to figure out what was up with my microbiome and other things - learned I have SIBO, dysbiosis and a gluten allergy.


theslowercoast t1_jdfzemr wrote

I wonder if this is why intermittent fasting reduces anxiety?


NewDad907 t1_jdg4l7g wrote

You mean…like the vagus nerve?

Edit: biohackers have anecdotally already known everything the article says, in particular the benefits of SCFA’s.

It’s always weird when science announces something entire communities of people already know.


kabre t1_jdg7be0 wrote

Purely anecdotal, but my anxiety and depression are both much easier to manage when I'm taking the good probiotics. Not a silver bullet by any means, but a piece of the puzzle.


germanthoughts t1_jdgfe8e wrote

Can you tell me more about the GI map test? What does it do and how does it help diagnose what may be wrong?

I always had bloating issues (I fart an INSANE amount after I eat) and also have anxiety. So I would love to start looking into this.


TheTrueSleuth t1_jdgflxw wrote

If what we eat creates the microbiome, then what are we eating to create those cells.


davtruss t1_jdgk89m wrote

My dear, sweet, highly qualified legal assistant of over 30 years died at 78 due to a fall at home during the covid-19 stay at home era. I wish you could see her file about the Veteran husband she had lost 20 years ago as it related to the connection between his closed head injury received while firing an artillery shell and his Crohn's disease.

We never made the connection scientifically, but she always suspected there was one, at least in terms of aggravation of symptoms.


random_noise t1_jdgr3la wrote

> gluten

fwiw. Never celiac as a child through my early 20's.... then things slowly changed and started having issues that i chalked up to aging and not something else.

I know this from personal experience far to well. It took me decades to figure out for myself and my own body. We're all different but...

Anti-biotics can cause gluten intolerance that can lead to celiac and IBS responses and diagnoses and positive tests across the board.

A standard course of anti-biotics is enough to completely screw the gut microbiome and for me, cause celiac and often ibs responses. Then a weird cycle can happen when dealing with many doctors to treat the different symptoms that prolongs the problem.

I can reset via specific probiotics and slowly re-introducing it. It takes me about 3 to 5 five months to reset, dependent on how long i had to take the antibiotics. I worked with some PhD folks as a "hail mary" before i said goodbye to certain foods forever.

Most folks seem to have gluten issues, they just don't realize it because it can present in many manners. Headspace is a big part of most people's responses.

I like my occasional pizza and soughdough to much, and I love a good burrito, and screw the medical world that told me I could not keep enjoying these things.


SaltZookeepergame691 t1_jdgrqm4 wrote

I agree to some extent in practice, but recent changes to diagnostic criteria (ie Rome IV, and shortly Rome V) and a shift towards positive diagnosis are reducing the number of patients defined as having IBS.

There is certainly an overlap with conditions like SIBO, but as I said to another commenter, these are mechanisms within the DGBI umbrella given the need for visceral overreactivity to convey symptoms.


Concordflyer t1_jdgwp3p wrote

Actually I think a lot of what is diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome is actually pancreatic enzyme insufficiency.


Yurastupidbitch t1_jdhgo11 wrote

I had a spike in anxiety related to a person I didn’t want to see. Sure enough, my guts went into full IBS mode and took me out for a couple of days. Thanks, IBS!


angelicasinensis t1_jdhrjkq wrote

I have a naturopathic doctor and I did a GI MAP test and I am doing herbal antimicrobials, diet modification, probiotics and supplements to heal the lining of my gut. So basically test / kill bad bacteria/ re populate with good bacteria and then heal gut lining.


FollowTheFauchi t1_jdi41v0 wrote

i dont really know what that means, but I am very interested. I get terrible migranes where I partially lose the ability to speak, and have uncontrollable erratic body movements (not a seizure though, I am still 'in control'). But the symptoms often will not stop until I puke. sometimes... repeatedly, but then it seems to calm down.

I really wish I could figure it out, but it seems very much stomach related for me, as I basically stop processing food and water before the onset of symptoms and get dehydrated. Sometimes its triggered by my own dumbness like not eating all day, but I haven't figured out a definitive pattern. Thankfully its rare for me. I feel bad for people who have to deal with this weekly.


Cannonballbmx t1_jdivzre wrote

I really don’t understand the “migraine in the stomach” either, part but I can tell you this - he gets bad stomach cramps, sometimes with vomiting but never gets a real headache. And after the episode, he is super tired and worn out - just like with a “real” migraine.

I get minor migraines (usually from dehydration) that come with an early warning - I get rainbow prisms in my vision. When that happens, I take a couple Advil and I can usually stave off a major issue. I couldn’t imagine going through what you describe.


random_noise t1_jdiz0tz wrote

My two core ones that work for me:



I have others but those are my core to fix my antibiotic induced problems. It took a few helpful PhD folks and many years to figure something out that works for me. Also I tend to take Dapsone for a week or two after my other anti-biotic round when I have to take them. It really makes a huge difference after my initial anti-biotic round, while I transition off them with the start of my probiotic routine. I do not take them together, i split my day on the gut reprogramming, dapsone at night, probiotics in the morning while I get off the whole antibiotic routine. It does take a few months before i stop having the responses to the gluten. Then I am free until something triggers my hidradenitis and i have to get back on the anti-biotics and start all over.

Also, I like fermented things. Pickled stuff, kim chi, etc. I do not do yogurts. I expect what works for others is highly dependent on what you eat already and the individual state of your own gut microbiome. I don't eat much in the way of sugar or bread/wheat based things that have gluten outside what I mentioned before. No cakes, no cookies, no candy, no crackers. I avoid processed foods most of the time, though occasionally on a holiday or special occasion will indulge in something sweet.


MynameisErinSarah t1_jdmt9r1 wrote

Yeah I’ve had lots of people not thinking it’s a big deal and telling me it’s mental. But my mum says when I was a baby food would go straight through me so? Unlikely baby me was causing it by being anxious. I used to be severely underweight because I’d avoid food just to avoid the consequences of eating it


wiebeck t1_jdnjrhb wrote

Got my colon removed, still got anxiety.


themedicalexpert t1_jdygt24 wrote

I have reason to believe ibs is autoimmune in nature and due to immune system dysregulation causing autoantibodies against the autonomic nervous system to be produced causing dysfunction in the gut.


Sculptasquad t1_jdz744z wrote

"Naturopathy as a whole lacks an adequate scientific basis,[5] and it is rejected by the medical community.[5] Although it includes valid lifestyle advice from mainstream medicine (healthy sleep, balanced diet, regular exercise),[15] it typically adds a range of pseudoscientific beliefs.[22] Some methods rely on immaterial "vital energy fields", the existence of which has not been proven, and there is concern that naturopathy as a field tends towards isolation from general scientific discourse.[22][58][59] Naturopathy is criticized for its reliance on and its association with unproven, disproven, and other controversial alternative medical treatments, and for its vitalistic underpinnings.[15][16] Natural substances known as nutraceuticals show little promise in treating diseases, especially cancer, as laboratory experiments have shown limited therapeutic effect on biochemical pathways, while clinical trials demonstrate poor bioavailability.[60] According to the American Cancer Society, "scientific evidence does not support claims that naturopathic medicine can cure cancer or any other disease".[16] According to Britt Hermes, naturopath student programs are problematic because "As a naturopath [student], you are making justifications to make the rules and to fudge the standards of how to interpret research all along the way. Because if you don't, you're not left with anything, basically".