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NFT_goblin t1_japl09s wrote

There is comorbidity between anxiety, conditions like ADHD and autism, and also muscular/joint pain and joint hypermobility

Just some random google sources to show I'm not making it up:

ADHD and chronic pain:

ADHD, anxiety, and chronic pain are comorbitidies of autism:,that%20does%20not%20go%20away

Definitely think there is something to this. Anecdotally, I have anxiety, adhd, and also chronic pain that has really wrecked my life over the last few years. I hope some more productive research into this topic will be available soon.


Bbrhuft t1_jaqvrni wrote

Absolutely true. One interesting overlap is with Prolapsed Mitral Valve, a common and usually mild heart abnormality, which can cause heart palpitations. A connection between people with PMV, panic disorder (PD) and hypermobility was notice many years ago. I'm once such example.

>The prevalence of MVP in PD and healthy controls was 27.20% and 9.21%, respectively. Patients with PD had a significantly increased relative risk of MVP compared to controls in the pooled sample (RR = 2.469, 95% confidence interval = 1.848–3.300). Age did not significantly modify the RR.

Also, I'm multiply cursed, ASD, ADHD, Prolapsed Mitral Valve, hypermobile joints, and panic attacks so bad in my teenage and early adulthood, that I could have represented my country at the panic attack Olympics. Thankfully I got over them.

Tural, U. and Iosifescu, D.V., 2019. The prevalence of mitral valve prolapse in panic disorder: a meta-analysis. Psychosomatics, 60(4), pp.393-401.

Garcia-Campayo, J., Asso, E. and Alda, M., 2011. Joint hypermobility and anxiety: the state of the art. Current Psychiatry Reports, 13, pp.18-25.