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RamboGoesMeow t1_jadsnep wrote

I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow, so I’ll ask about that. I’m just 14 days sober, and doing my best to remain that way. AA makes it difficult with the god aspect, but that’s my best bet since other options are few and far between due to my schedule.


SomethingClever42068 t1_jadwyd3 wrote

Check out S.A.F.E. instead.

If it were AA or nothing for me I'd still be drinking a liter + of vodka a day.

I guess I'm not a complete success, since I drink one night a week (and never until I'm black out drunk)

But it's been over 1600 days since I've drank daily so it's a win in my book.

Edit: S.M.A.R.T. not safe.

My bad guys.


altcastle t1_jadz5ae wrote

Why once a week? Just need that day to look forward to? Once I quit after a decade + of drinking a precise but heavy amount nightly, I just put it behind me besides a random drink if I’m at dinner celebrating very rarely.

I think if I kept anything around, I’d go back to my old ways.


Flock_with_me t1_jadxeim wrote

Naltrexone might be an option to ask your doctor about. It definitely helped a lot with the drinking, but unfortunately for me it caused sudden bouts of depression whenever I took it. I was struggling with depression anyway and really couldn't deal with added mood drops, but I've read that this very rare and that it works well for other people. The few times I used naltrexone it completely curbed my desire to drink, and if I had a drink in a social setting, the drink had no effect on me and - most importantly - didn't lead to a horrific bender.

Ultimately I needed therapeutic psychedelics to treat both my alcoholism and depression. I hope you find a path that works for you.


samaramatisse t1_jaf3bf0 wrote

Naltrexone can also be used off label to help OCD and self harm behaviors like hair pulling and skin picking.


hippoheft t1_jadw8mu wrote

I've had great luck with Gabapentin, but everybody's different.

Another helpful resource to keep in mind is r/stopdrinking.


muscletrain t1_jae1hwn wrote

Keep in mind gabapentin and pregabalin have nasty withdrawals that not many people speak about.