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malenkylizards t1_j95q3cj wrote

How is that money "lost"? It translates into one hell of a lot of jobs, which translate into money spent in all the surrounding businesses, all benefitting local taxpayers, which, of course, translates into more tax revenue. Comparably little (not none obvs, we live in a capitalism) of that goes to actual billionaires, at least compared to loads of other ways we could spend those billions.

Money only works if it moves.


TricksterWolf t1_j96kc3j wrote

Amusingly, a lot of people who dismiss scientific funding don't even blink when the US spends trillions on a new fighter jet whose ignoble function may end up being naught but shooting down a small balloon with a $400,000 missile.

In contrast, data lasts forever and stands to benefit all of us.


iwillcuntyou t1_j9594tv wrote

How do you propose it should be done?


bripi t1_j998rnf wrote

Oh, no, I think this is the right way. I just find the quote funny. Wish I could figure out who said it!


Xaendeau t1_j96gfoe wrote

Better spent on science than wars.


bripi t1_j9994d1 wrote

How about housing the homeless? Feeding people? Improving infrastructures? So many other useful things that actually have tangible, real-world benefits.


Xaendeau t1_j99ef1u wrote

Literally all those things you listed are less important than if the money was put into science. Every penny spent in scientific research is investing in the future of humanity.

This goes to show how unaware you are about how science works. Pure, fundamental research is the basis of what technological advancements in applied science and engineering are built from:

My dude, just like, read the Wikipedia article and become educated about the matter. If you need examples, I got about a dozen I can think of off the top of my head.


bripi t1_j99fsr6 wrote

>This goes to show how unaware you are about how science works.

ha ha ha ha ha ha that's hilarious! I had to screenshot that comment, no one is going to believe someone said that to me. Thanks for turning this witch-hunt into something funny!


Xaendeau t1_j99gg29 wrote

Hey man, stay ignorant if you want. It's a choice at this point. If you want actual dialogue, hit me up and I can give you examples of science that has paid exponential dividends in our society.


Xaendeau t1_j99iz8j wrote

While I'm waiting for the sudafed to hopefully help my sinuses, I'd like to know why you think money spent in basic science is a bad use of taxes. Scientific research and educational funding is something I'm passionate about. It's the best way to spend tax dollars.

I'm here all night, my face hurts too much to sleep.


bripi t1_j99nphu wrote

Don't hold your breath. I'm 100% done talking with you.


Xaendeau t1_j9bxjtk wrote

Hey, don't get offended when someone calls you out on something you should already know. Fundamental, pure research is critically important.


TricksterWolf t1_j96juqs wrote

I'm amused that you think the short duration of the Higgs boson is a strike against it when the exact opposite is true.

I agree that collider money may be arguably overspent in terms of funding, but there isn't an easier approach. Particle theory is important. In case you haven't noticed, it allows us increasingly good predictions for quantum materials science, which is exploding in new discoveries right now as we race to build an adiabatic quantum computer that will break existing encryption technology. Your phone probably uses quantum dots; a lot of the tech we use daily has ties to basic particle research. It's easy to be dismissive when you don't understand the point of research, but this is an area that--while arguably overfunded or misfunded--is still very important.