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Davividdik696 t1_j8j5glc wrote

Have you considered the possibility that it might be true?


phikapp1932 t1_j8j6emn wrote

Not OP, but yes I have. It’s definitely a hard sell to believe that we are made in the image of an all-knowing being that we need to worship or be relinquished. And if this being is all-knowing and allows the tragedies I see around me every single day to persist, to truly innocent people, then what would that make me if I worshipped it?


SpeculativeFiction t1_j8jdqpw wrote

What might be true? Shinto? Islam? Hinduism? Christianity?

Have you given equal thought into those and what they say about a moral code, the afterlife, and how likely it is they are the actual true religion, or are you just asking about whatever religion you grew up with, and that people aroumd you believe in?

If the latter, have you re-read the scripture as an adult, to see if it describes an ethos you actually agree with?

If your religion has a core set of rules or ways to live your life, are their teachings something you see reflected in the actions of your fellow faithful, or more importantly, your priests (or equivilents?)


Dhiox t1_j8k195l wrote

Interesting, so do you believe Zeus is the almighty king of the gods, and we should sacrifice goats to him?


T1Pimp t1_j8l6foa wrote

I did.. when I was a child. But I have up childish things once no longer a child.