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Jam5quares t1_j8gxlc3 wrote

Does it say you are protected or that you have a bit more protection...very different.


thatissomeBS t1_j8hbtp6 wrote

If you think it's binary, and you're either at risk or not at risk, then this question would be valid. However, it's not binary. "Protected" doesn't need to mean 100% protected to still be protected. Wearing a seatbelt protects you in a crash, but it doesn't mean you can't die while wearing a seatbelt.


Publius015 t1_j8jl0o6 wrote

This right there is what the vast majority of vaccine skeptics didn't understand. Literally nobody said the vaccine would 100% guarantee your health, but vaccine skeptics don't understand that it isn't binary, just like you said.

Everything is risk management to some degree.


[deleted] t1_j8i2owm wrote



thatissomeBS t1_j8i4l9h wrote

Well, according to the numbers, 50-75% more protected. So yeah, that's lap belt, shoulder belt, and airbags.


im_thatoneguy t1_j8ixqgr wrote

> Does the car have airbags or not, to fit your analogy.

You can still die in an accident with airbags. Which type of airbags, which direction of collision, what's your speed? What is the frame of your car made out of? What was your body position at the time of the accident? Was your seatbelt fitted perfectly?

Only magical amulets imbue absolute protection.


sufferinsucatash t1_j8gxzku wrote

If I were you, I would look at the deaths pre vaccine versus post vaccines. And you’d have a rough estimation of the protection! :)


Gigahert t1_j8jz2pb wrote

Pre vaccine vs post vaccine. It amazes me how quickly people forgot about the overflowing morgues and the bodies piled up in the street.


karmannsport t1_j8l8mxh wrote

Well…to play devils advocate, the most susceptible went first. Makes sense the most deaths would occur at the beginning with some upticks along the way as the virus mutates.