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SeanyfaceYCG t1_j7xixvi wrote

TLDR if you eat less, you might live longer!


Gariiiiii t1_j80mh32 wrote

Friendly reminder than less calories doesn't imply less volume. I love grapefruit, berries, air popped popcorn, boiled potatoes, brussels sprouts and snack on them frequenly. Just look for food that is very filling for the ammount of cals


AloneDay8829 t1_j7ya1os wrote

I feel crappy if I don't eat very much though.


Protonoto t1_j7ycgec wrote

try a fast, your body gets used to it quickly and you stop feeling hungry so easily


Chesterlespaul t1_j7yhis0 wrote

These are facts. Consider it a challenge and you are doing it for a good reason, helps motivate ya. In the end, a little hunger isn’t going to kill ya… at least not for many many days.