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hollowgoat t1_j7u2p9q wrote

A complete tangent, but I can reach with my hands every part of the outside of my body, easily. I sometimes forget that some people cannot. It's strange when I remember that.


_smooth_talker_ t1_j7v5jxa wrote

What I wouldn’t do to scratch or lotion the upper middle of my back… life goals.


JessicaOkayyy t1_j7wimew wrote

It took me a few years to be able to stretch my arm to where my hand can reach any part of my back easily now. It started with applying self tanner and needing to put it on my back myself.

So little by little everyday I would stretch my arm further up and after awhile could turn my arm around, reach behind my back, and touch the back of my neck all the way up. It comes in handy!


Enzor t1_j7u8aj9 wrote

From my own experience with migratory itches (perhaps different than this condition) or itches that are replaced as soon as scratched with one in a different location, the only cure to this is to simply ignore them until they go away which takes mental discipline. Luckily the "episodes" I have only last maybe 10-20 minutes and then the itching stops.


LagSlug t1_j7w2r6t wrote

I have that problem too, but for me it was dry skin that was the culprit, and now I just use a ton of lotion after every shower and it's gotten much better.


patfetes t1_j7v4ww3 wrote

Would this work for phantom limbs?


soothsayer011 t1_j7vatow wrote

I have a spot on my back that when I scratch it the same general area on my chest itches.


lostinmythoughts t1_j7w8fzc wrote

Have mesh in my abdomen. Itched worst first 6 months after surgeries. Also get internal itch several times a year. Lasts about an hour or two. Very maddening!


LagSlug t1_j7w2l60 wrote

ffs is that what was causing my itching? I was having kidney trouble for years, and every night i had the worst itch on my back. It got to the point where I kept a pair of scissors by the bed and used them to scrape the itch (longwise against the flat edge).


Throwforventing t1_j7wmjje wrote

As someone without this condition, but with very sensitive skin that itches frequently, I really feel for all of you that suffer from this. I can't imagine.

Although sometimes I will rub my back against the wall like a bear.


Icarus367 t1_j7zztna wrote

King Herod suffered from terrible itching, which modern researchers speculate may have been caused by kidney disease.


Chakkaaa t1_j7vkblp wrote

Ive been using this plastic fork for a week and its been delightful.


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