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Shumina-Ghost t1_j7h8d53 wrote

Phasing out coal in 27 years??? That’s insanity if people that we can actually do that. I’d love for us to pivot to handle climate change in a drastic way, but I also know I’m generally just wishing at this point.

We’re going down.


kenlubin t1_j7jjy1m wrote

> With the new solar and wind projects coming online this year, we forecast these two energy sources will account for 16% of total generation in 2023, up from 14% last year and 8% in 2018. In contrast, our forecast share of generation from coal falls from 20% in 2022 to 18% in 2023; the forecast share from natural gas declines from 39% to 38%.

EIA report from last month, writing about the US.