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SuddenlyElga t1_j7folib wrote

So why are Asians so healthy?


OttoBaker t1_j7fqerc wrote

Plus, the Seventh-Day Adventist community, and other Blue Zones in Greece, Italy, Japan, and Costa Rica?


Fuzzycolombo t1_j7g2u0s wrote

High vegetable consumption, smaller caloric intake, more food variety, and less emphasis on fried junk food and sugars.

Any Asian populations that stray from this model turn out unhealthier, aka if they start adopting SAD characteristics


JoeRoganSlogan t1_j7fvcl0 wrote

Check out the Okinawan diet and it will explain their diet and food practices. Very high carb, low protein.


Goosfraba21 t1_j7gncle wrote

They eat an unprocessed diet rich in antioxidants. Carbs mainly from sweet potatoes and smaller portions of rice. Generally higher quantities of vegetables compared to the western diet. Small portions of meat. Tea and turmeric. Lower PUFA and lower total calories. My takeaway from their diet would definitely NOT be high carbs and low protein alone.


JoeRoganSlogan t1_j7gnw7r wrote

I completely agree. That's why I said look it up. Then gave an oversimplified "it's very high in carbs" statement. I could have pulled it up and copy/pasted, but I'm lazy.