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Key-Hamster8897 t1_j7f44xo wrote

The way I look at it is that the human body has had very little time to adapt to a rich carbohydrate intake. Let's not forget that the agricultural revolution happened only 12,000 years ago. Mass carbohydrate intake was adapted even later. Before that, people ate mainly meat, greens, and fruit. Evolution will adapt eventually, but I don't see that happening any time soon.


silent519 t1_j7f5pwm wrote

> human body has had very little time to adapt to a rich carbohydrate intake

people used to eat way more total% of carbs in the past, yet very few had cvd


Unhappy_Gas_4376 t1_j7fdkj3 wrote

I'm going to hazard a guess that excess consumption of carbs has more to do with it than the carbs themselves.


BafangFan t1_j7fl6ft wrote

Vegetable oils are the culprit I'm picking out.

They first started as industrial waste from the cotton-picking industry, until companies found ways to detoxify it enough for human consumption.


KamahlYrgybly t1_j7fnflb wrote

I'm gonna need a source for this.


notsurewhattosay-- t1_j7gaanz wrote

Global cotton inc. they are on the front lines of byproduct waste turned to cattle food and oil for people to cook with.


carlgorn t1_j7fn7xf wrote

You mean seed oils, olive and avocado oil are healthy.


jsudarskyvt t1_j7g0stl wrote

No. They have little nutritional value and loads of cholesterol.


dachsj t1_j7j8a93 wrote

How do you know if they had cvd?

It's not like humans were pinnacles of health up until the last 50 years.


Zoesan t1_j7fo8q2 wrote

Depends on "when" in the past. In terms of evolutionary time the longest period (IE before agriculture) two thirds or more of our calories came from animals.

TL;DR No, this is pretty wrong.


jsudarskyvt t1_j7g0ks9 wrote

People ate mainly what they gathered. Berries and roots. Meat was not easy to obtain.


notsurewhattosay-- t1_j7g9tct wrote

Try fruitarians. Even before the ice age, before our agriculture revolution,we went after fruits,and plants. I'm talking when we haven't left Africa yet.
