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youshouldbethelawyer t1_j77felt wrote

It's almost as if our immune system has developed over millennia to protect us against, influenza viruses such as covid 19. Fascinating! In fact, vaccinated are more susceptible to reinfection, because vaccines are a half ditch attempt to replicate this long developed evolutionary feature that we already possess as animals. Good thing the vaccines were forced on the population to reduce our ability to defend our own immune systems, effectively making our own biological systems a pay to play service!


dbx999 t1_j78v8xe wrote

Covid is a type of corona virus and there are something like 4 or 5 different diseases that come from a corona virus. Sars and Mers are two which preceded covid19. They are typically difficult to develop vaccines for. There are coronaviruses that affect cattle and livestock commonly and those were not vaccinable and causing problems in the cattle industry. With RNA vaccines though, they should be able to develop vax for those too now.