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TheDismal_Scientist t1_j6wb1ae wrote

I'm pretty sure the consensus is that coffee is heart healthy now, with a sweet spot between 2-4 cups. Shame it doesn't work for me because I have anxiety


sebirds t1_j6wlvs0 wrote

It's linked with other benefits as well. I recall reading about how it can reduce the chances of one developing alzheimers.


iwouldhugwonderwoman t1_j6x9kb0 wrote

Helps protect your liver as well.

My dad got hep c from a blood transfusion in the mid 1970s.

50 years later and no significant liver damage. Studies started coming out around 2010 or linking coffee intake and lower liver damage and sure enough my dad is a pot a day guy.

Thankfully he went through treatment and no is Hep C free.


billsil t1_j70uqvv wrote

I have anxiety an coffee is great for me. I also have ADHD and it makes my feel like my body is running at the right pace. The more I have to focus on something, the more coffee I'm drinking. Coffee calms me down and I mostly drink it on an empty stomach and always black.