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Vegetable_Macaroon32 t1_j69jbxl wrote

I think it would make sense to tear down what little is left of the school and replace it with an up to date up to code modern facility. I think this would best serve the kids and teachers. But the Fan isnt a neighborhood so much as it is Historic Williamsburg type theme park for the very wealthy. And gosh do they like their old and quaint. So grab some popcorn or maybe a lot, and watch the incredible shit show of trying to build a modern facility inside that brick husk that remains, and which by the way is ugly.


Danger-Moose t1_j69up5c wrote

The love for Fox, the building, has always seemed crazy to me. It was a building. Yes, it sucks that it burnt down - but I've never understood the desire to salvage what is left of it if you could build a brand new, state of the art building for cheaper.


Asterion7 t1_j69yp54 wrote

I get it a little bit. Modern schools look more like prisons then a place you would take pride in.


Danger-Moose t1_j69z1x0 wrote

Then pay a little more to engage an architect and get community involvement or something. I just don't get the need to have exactly what was there back again. It's just a building.


Asterion7 t1_j6a28iz wrote

I think the local community is involved and they want it to look like the old fox.


Danger-Moose t1_j6a2kur wrote

I find it difficult to believe that it wouldn't be cheaper to knock the remains down and build back the exact same school, then.


Loose-Violinist-1103 t1_j6aflmz wrote

They can’t do this. They could tear it down and sell the land, but they’d need to meet all current city and VDOE reqs for things like parking and outdoor space. Quick glance here says elementary schools need a minimum of 5 acres. Fox has 2.9


bozatwork t1_j69vc27 wrote

The building will meet modern codes when rebuilt, which obviously is the law but I guess it has to be explained. The debris has been cleared, asbestos abated, lead paint checked, walls stabilized, permanent roof construction to be complete by end of April, and then the general building with a new interior layout. It's not a shit show at all in terms of rebuilding process and end result, but it is very unfortunate the private insurance pool of state buildings has become such an issue. And that Richmond taxpayers also seem to think this is some kind of entertainment deserving of popcorn instead of serious engagement and advocacy.


Vegetable_Macaroon32 t1_j6a8282 wrote

No. No, it doesn't need to be explained. We all know the new structure must meet modern codes. My point is that doing that inside an antiquated burnt out hulk may prove more challenging, expensive and lengthy than simply razing the ruin that is there now and starting fresh, in order ( as i said , in all seriousness) to better serve the educators and students who deserve a great school, in the near future. As a city tax payer whose home assessment nearly doubled in the last two years, i take the matter seriously and was offering a serious opinion , as a contractor who has worked on old homes in the area for decades, this will probably be an expensive shit show , all to save a building that has always been ugly , just to placate the gentrified gentry who don't want anything to change in the fan, ever. Take that, you scold!


bozatwork t1_j6b11is wrote

Your opinion on the building's appearance doesn't make it fact. And demolition in the Fan is not allowed by right. Plus the building has been recognized for its historic value and is on the National Register of Historic Places. The City wants the building saved and rebuilt.

You're welcome to your opinion on Williamsburg, but the Fan is not a manufactured tourist experience. And yes the expense of this project has already been estimated and the needs pretty well detailed, ready for construction RFP in the coming months.

But really I don't understand what seems to be your underlying point. If it's that the Fan is full of rich people, then do you think they would send their kids to city public school, especially after their preferred one burned to the ground? They wouldn't, or if they did, they would leave after the fire. I don't think you're that serious in your argument, but you do seem to be seriously biased. The Fox community is as diverse as Cary and serves a significant economically disadvantaged population. The people with means (either in free time, or funds, or skills) in the community have always invested effort to ensure standards are met for all, and lifted all families up. It's that spirit of community that makes Fox unique.


sleevieb t1_j6c06n5 wrote

Fox represents the re segregation of schools and is one of if not the wealthiest school in rps.

It’s reconstruction at no cost and as fast as possible is symbolic of the cities unequal treatment of its residents.


Vegetable_Macaroon32 t1_j6fpv7v wrote

I agree, that's why y'all need a nice new school pronto to keep up the good work!


Vegetable_Macaroon32 t1_j6fqi0q wrote

While the fan is not manufactured to the extent of a literal tourist attraction, very strict historic preservation rules and monies interests have effectively frozen the neighborhood in time, there is a case to be made that this is not a long term healthy condition for urban areas which historically are very dynamic.


sevenbee t1_j6go2ga wrote

Almost all of the Fan has no historic preservation rules, what are you talking about. There only areas which there are actual rules are parts of Grace, Park and Monument. Everywhere else… go nuts.


sleevieb t1_j6c0cxw wrote

The popcorn is to watch people spin up cognitive dissonance using things like historic preservation to defend segregation.


bozatwork t1_j6fv224 wrote

I am about to use some not-nice language if you continue trying to assert that the Fox community is somehow racist or acting in racist manners. I'm sorry that you seem to believe urban legends from decades ago. Fox has been diverse and embraced the last round of school rezoning and used the process to benefit RPS as a whole. 44% of the school population is economically disadvantaged. Go compare the school populations pre/post rezoning and get back to me on which areas are segregated and who's actively working to protect monied interests.


sleevieb t1_j6g17sv wrote

Where did you get 44% from?


sleevieb t1_j6g449c wrote

I found this during my own search, I don’t see any demographic info on here including for economically disadvantaged.


bozatwork t1_j6g5vo4 wrote

But you saw 47% white? It's right below that demo chart. Click on "economically disadvantaged."


sleevieb t1_j6gfawj wrote

I didn’t see or say 47% white.

Clicking on economically disadvantaged brings up a bar graph for different 3 years of academic achievement.


theb0tman t1_j69rg8e wrote

This. Take a walk through Windsor irl or Zillow and get back to us. During some of the housing peak zaniness places were going for like 50% over asking.


Professional_Book912 t1_j69okg5 wrote

Very wealthy? That neighborhood is, at best, upper middle class. Wealthy is Windor Farms, Very wealthy isn't in the the city. They live in the surrounding counties.


Vegetable_Macaroon32 t1_j69sra3 wrote

Houses there are going in the high 8s to low 9s. As in 880,000 to 925,000 There are more modest folks there who bought years ago, but anyone who has bought in the last few years is doing pretty well I would say, or has sold property in a more expensive market, which is the same thing.