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TheCheeseDevil t1_j6mrcbx wrote

I'm really enjoying The Last of Us. Has started deviating from the game just enough to keep me on my toes.

Dropping my old dog off for dental surgery today. Cue ball of nerves for the entire day!


fang-island t1_j6mt6mx wrote

That recent episode of Last of Us made me cry. I had no idea what I was getting into when I started that episode.


Wa_wa_ouija t1_j6mw1ae wrote

I cried so much lmao. Was not expecting that amount of emotional damage.


disputing_stomach t1_j6n0ssp wrote

That was such a great episode. Some of the best TV I've seen in a while.


TheCheeseDevil t1_j6n3ca3 wrote

I've seen so many bad tv adaptations of things I love that I honestly didn't have super high hopes for the show. That third episode blew me away, just some of the best television writing and directing I've seen in a very long time.


TheCheeseDevil t1_j6mwm2q wrote

I thought I knew what was going to happen after the first two episodes were so close to the game.... instead got punched RIGHT in the feelings.


Lavenderev t1_j6nxtx9 wrote

Right? Ugly cried for a solid 45 minutes here.


fusion260 t1_j6o02r0 wrote

I haven't seen Sunday's episode yet but was aware of what was likely going to happen based on knowing how the game went

In the game, you only encounter a specific character in a few seconds of screen time and a few comments. Once they announced they cast someone for the series, and that the character is mentioned in advance in Episode 2 (which didn't happen in the game), I had a feeling they were going to add a good bit of backstory to make the outcome far more impactful.

My husband and I usually watch this on Mondays after dinner so we can have a good amount of eye bleach after to cheer us up. Yesterday was a long work day for him so we put it off to tonight, but he's going to trivia night tonight and will get home later. So, tomorrow night, maybe.


Moondinos t1_j6mxpk3 wrote

My boyfriend and I have been meaning to start watching it as we've both played the game. Apparently the game is also coming to PC in late March so I will be 100% replaying it since I don't have a ps4 anymore


TheCheeseDevil t1_j6mxy1n wrote

They're about to make a killing selling that game to folks new to the story, I bet. Show is extremely high quality


Moondinos t1_j6my9bz wrote

Oh they're gonna make so much money because a lot of folks also have moved to PC gaming, but I'm sure lots of people started watching and didn't realize it was based on a video game. They can take my money when it releases online, can't wait to sob again over it


megachickabutt t1_j6n56u9 wrote

my wife, when watching the show: "Is this in the game?" "Did that happen in the game?" etc....

She is not a gamer. Glad that you guys have a hobby in common.


TheCheeseDevil t1_j6nhovr wrote

Same here except maybe I get too excited about pointing out game stuff. My spouse plays games but doesn't like long-form, story style rpg's so it's new to him.


Moondinos t1_j6o3x2c wrote

My boyfriend and I have both played so I'm sure when we watch it we're going to be pointing things out together lol


TheEverydayDad t1_j6na4lm wrote

I really enjoy the love story and not the relationship Bill and Frank had in the game.

Good luck to your doggo!


Life-Pair-8220 t1_j6nb3it wrote

Good luck to your dog! They will be home before you know it!


TheCheeseDevil t1_j6nhjkr wrote

Thanks! Before they know it, too. They get to have a long nap and I get to sweat.