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freetimerva t1_j6oicoy wrote

You have a link to any evidence to support that? Never heard of anyone intentionally leaving dogs behind.


fusion260 t1_j6onxkk wrote

Here's a distinguished (featured) student essay featured by VCCS titled "The Abandonment and Neglect of Hunting Dogs" that mentions cases from Virginia and North Carolina.

The issue doesn't seem to be common but it does occur and is primarily due to the hunter's inability or lack of desire to feed dogs off-season when they're struggling to feed themselves.


TheCheeseDevil t1_j6oojhm wrote

This is a fairly recent article on the issue, although its hard to differentiate between lost hounds and dumped ones after the fact. We found a good number of emaciated dogs that just got left behind on our property. I am having trouble finding an article, but when I lived in Gloucester someone abandoned an entire pack, it was the talk of the town. At least a dozen dogs with no tags/trackers just dumped


Poopforce1s t1_j6p5lvo wrote

I have personally heard from two hunters that they will open the truck and just let the dogs out and drive away if the dog "don't run good". One laughed as he recalled backing his truck up to a bridge and watching the dogs jump into the river and driving off. The other said he would go to wealthy neighborhoods and do it so someone would take the dog in.

I also work in a rural part of the state and have personally rescued numerous hunting dogs whose owners lose track of them and then just leave them behind. If the dog has a collar, half the time the owner just never answers or calls back.


jeb_hoge t1_j6okn65 wrote

We heard the same thing from Cumberland County's animal control when we adopted our hound from there. Dogs either get abandoned or shot. We're not sure what our girl's history was...there's a part of me that hopes she had a family and just got good and lost, but no one ever came looking for her either.


freetimerva t1_j6om8rl wrote

Thats wild. Some of my family is from Nelson. Damn near everyone has hunting dogs up there and never heard of that!

Seems like a major waste of resources considering puppies cost money.


WompWompIt t1_j6p11pv wrote

Not if you are letting them have puppies in that cage out back it doesn't. No vaccinations, parasite, deworming or heart worm protection.


jeb_hoge t1_j6on2j5 wrote

I know, I think it sounds crazy too, but I just remembered I also heard the same from a former director of SPCA Charlottesville-Albermale after we adopted.


DogVacuum t1_j6p61xo wrote

I adopted a Plott hound when living in Virginia. beautiful dog, couldn’t understand why he was available. The humane society said that in even slightly poorer areas, being abandoned is the best case scenario for hunting dogs, and that most of them just get shot.

It’s not a world I was familiar with, but I wound up with an amazing dog out of it.


robs_kabobs t1_j6pi43v wrote

Same with mine. He hates gunshot noises (or anything similar), tight spaces, and large vehicles. He was abandoned in Powhatan and when he was brought in he was completely emaciated.


WompWompIt t1_j6p0uyh wrote

This is absolutely true. It's horrendous but very common.

Source? Life in the country on a farm for 20 years. Sorry to say I've seen hounds freezing to death on the road during hunting season. Never spayed or neutered (as evidenced by testicles or a belly full of puppies). Too scared and unsocialized to be caught.


SuccsInAllSituations t1_j6oth28 wrote

I grew up in an area with a lot of hunting and they would absolutely dump the dogs that weren’t good at it or injured. I would pick them up all the time and end up rehoming them to loving homes as pets. We kept one who was dumped probably because he was afraid of gunshots. He was a sweet boy. But it does happen.


TripawdCorgi t1_j6p89hz wrote

Anecdotally, this is our current dog's backstory. Hunting dog, abandoned at some point due to either poor hunting skills or the human's inability to feed him in off season, bounced around a little bit before we adopted him. A few dogs we met while looking for a new buddy had similar backstories (abandoned hunting dogs particularly beagles and hound varieties). Again, it's anecdotal, but the rescues we spoke with seemed to be familiar with the scenario.


Cerebral-Knievel-1 t1_j6p7pvb wrote

My own hound was a rescue from Nelson county. From an "oops litter" apperntly mom and dad weren't the intended parants for the breeder..
Back in my fathers time.. a litter like that would have been tied up in a sack and tossed in the river. And i have no doubt that my father probably tossed a few sacks himself.


PickanickBasket t1_j6phu3q wrote

My cousin rescues abandoned hunting dogs in Missouri. It's super common. We got one of ours from her. Was clearly beaten, cigarette burns on her body, gun-shy.