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momthom427 t1_j6fnfrx wrote

I bought eggs and chicken today at aldi. I wasn’t really shopping for chicken, but found two packs of chicken tenders for half price. I cooked them when I got home and shredded it. I made a delicious bowl of chicken salad for dinner tonight and will use the rest in salads or freeze for later. I froze the broth and will pull that out later for soup. A good purchase for $5.


skeevy-stevie t1_j6fsiuz wrote

Chicken salad is on my list of possibilities this week. Easy for lunch and a good way to use it up.


momthom427 t1_j6fth9r wrote

I love it. How do you make yours? When I make it at home, I do a really simple chicken, chopped egg, celery, mayo, a bit of lemon juice, s&p.


skeevy-stevie t1_j6g01gb wrote

I mean, depends what we have, but ideally would be Mayo, red onion, celery, celery seed, salt, pepper. My signature is to smash the hell out of the chicken with the back of the spoon once mixed with everything.

Edit - need tomato in the house for a sandwich, otherwise it’s a wrap with Italian dressing.