Submitted by adhforiwnabfit t3_10gcnmu in rva

I remember awhile back I saw a thread on here where somebody claimed that you could (or used to be able to) see the skyline from mechanicsville (maybe cold harbor rd?). Anyway, this kind of blew my mind and I wanted to know if anybody could confirm this, or if they had any other lesser known or far away spots to see the skyline? Only other place I can think of is the Vietnam veterans memorial bridge on the Pocahontas parkway. I’d appreciate any cool recommendations. Thanks!



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Utretch t1_j52ejag wrote

You definitely cannot see the skyline from Mechanicsville, old town is in the Chickahominy river valley and new town is even further away.


3FoxInATrenchcoat t1_j52jtd4 wrote

There’s a glimpse of a couple of high rises traveling westwardly on Creighton road just before turning left onto Cedar Fork Road. Wouldn’t call it the skyline view but it’s somethin

Edit: actually I don’t think that’s the exact spot, it may be a tad bit east of that but I just can’t recall the exact side road…or maybe it is? Idk, it’s Creighton though i know that much


Kayso t1_j52khif wrote

Powhatan park in fulton and cardiac hill on the cap trail


ghostofvirginia t1_j52s0cw wrote

Top floor of the #2 Genworth building has a cool view of the skyline from all the out at glen side


55V35lM t1_j5312ni wrote

The overpass from Chippenham to 895


pecansforall t1_j532is6 wrote

On a very clear day you can see the Richmond skyline from the top of the Eiffel Tower at Kings Dominion.


Stitchmond t1_j53c1yn wrote

The airport traffic control tower might have a good view. Or from the top of the Henrico Public Disposal landfill.


picklingspice t1_j53jnbq wrote

powhatan park is absolutely the place I would go.